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This Blog provides you many good questions to ask to your
teacher, professor, cleric, parents, friends, etc.. enjoy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April Posting

The good questions in this posting:

- [Education] Why to became a student in college,we should have a test? That test mean university only looking for candidates who are clever. Whereas the goal of education is to make uneducated man/woman become educated, to make people civilized. Who are others guy (untouch with education) anywhere?it isnt fit with the principle of education? -Half-solved

- [General] Why do many people these days are throwing a dead rat on the highway?

- [Biology] When exactly the plant changed from inhaling CO2 into O2? Is the time for all plants are same?

- [Religion] what the wisdom behind Prophet Muhammad action that use his camel to determining where he lived in the medina? -Solved-

- [Religion] In the Islamic law known to cut the hands of a thief, then what if the thief did not have hands?

- [Religion] In known Qisos law, how the punishment for people who hit other people's bodies until no longer able to function? How do I equate her condition? -Solved-

- [Technology] which one category for USB Flash Disk ? I/O or memory ? -Solved-

For your study object that I have not discussed, please tell me ^.^

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