sesuai nama blog ini NANYA ATAU GOBLOG ( Berisi bahan pertanyaan yg mbantu kamu berinteraksi lebih dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar

This Blog provides you many good questions to ask to your
teacher, professor, cleric, parents, friends, etc.. enjoy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Posting Akhir April

Posting kali ini :

-[Pendidikan] Kenapa untuk masuk perguruan tinggi kok harus ada tes ? Itu kan berarti hanya mencari calon mahasiswa yang pinter aja. Padahal tujuan pendidikan tu untuk membuat yang gak tau jadi tau, yang gak berbudaya jadi berbudaya, yang bodo jadi pinter. La terus kalo yang pinter kuliah, yang bodo kemana ? Kok gak sesuai prinsip pendidikan ? -half solved-

-[Umum] Kenapa belakangan ini banyak orang yang membuang bangkai tikus di jalan raya ?

-[Biologi] Kapan persisnya tumbuhan berubah dari menghirup CO2 menjadi O2 ? Apakah waktu untuk semua tumbuhan sama ?

-[Agama] Ada hikmah apa dari perbuatan Rasulullah yang menggunakan insting ontanya ketika menentukan dimana beliau tinggal di madinah ? -solved-

-[Agama] Dalam islam dikenal hukum potong tangan bagi seorang pencuri, lalu bagaimana bila pencuri itu tak memiliki tangan ?

-[Agama] Dalam islam dikenal qisos, bagaimana hukuman bagi orang yang memukul tubuh orang lain hingga tak lagi dapat berfungsi ? Bagaimana cara menyamakan kondisinya ? -solved-

-[Teknologi] Flash disk tu termasuk memori apa I/O ? -solved-

Bagi bidang temen2 yang belum saya bahas, harap kasih tau ya

April Posting

The good questions in this posting:

- [Education] Why to became a student in college,we should have a test? That test mean university only looking for candidates who are clever. Whereas the goal of education is to make uneducated man/woman become educated, to make people civilized. Who are others guy (untouch with education) anywhere?it isnt fit with the principle of education? -Half-solved

- [General] Why do many people these days are throwing a dead rat on the highway?

- [Biology] When exactly the plant changed from inhaling CO2 into O2? Is the time for all plants are same?

- [Religion] what the wisdom behind Prophet Muhammad action that use his camel to determining where he lived in the medina? -Solved-

- [Religion] In the Islamic law known to cut the hands of a thief, then what if the thief did not have hands?

- [Religion] In known Qisos law, how the punishment for people who hit other people's bodies until no longer able to function? How do I equate her condition? -Solved-

- [Technology] which one category for USB Flash Disk ? I/O or memory ? -Solved-

For your study object that I have not discussed, please tell me ^.^

Monday, April 26, 2010


Saya mutar-muter tanya sana-sini untuk dapet nama blog yang pas dengan kemauan saya, juga yang eyecatching pluz nyleneh seperti biasa. Dan Alhamdulillah ada 1 dari usulan temen-temen yg nyantol di hati. Dari '' -yang menurut saya edan banget- jadi tak ubah menjadi yang keren itu bagian nya soalnya kreatif banget namanya.

Oce, segitu aja sambutan dari saya, silakan ambil bahan-bahan pertanyaan untuk disampaikan ke guru, dosen,ustad,orang tua, temen, dll. Karena dengan kamu nanya, orang lain juga ikut tau, guru jadi ikut belajar dan nyiapin bahan, dan nyegerin suasana kelasmu.

Dan, pertanyaan di postingan kali ini adalah:

- [Fisika] Mungkin gak dibuat PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA KEBISINGAN ?kira-kira cara kerjanya gimana ?

- [Elektronika] Adakah alat untuk mentransfer data antar USB Flash Disk tanpa membutuhkan komputer ? kira-kira piranti apa saja yang diperluin buat ngebikinnya ?

- [Elektronika] Kok MP3 player bisa ngukur panjang lagu dengan tepat, piranti tambahan apa yg diselipkan? kan MP3 player mirip dengan USB FD biasa ?

- [Kimia] Kenapa MSG terus digunakan padahal efeknya negatif ?

- [Agama] Kok malaikat bisa tahu bahwa kalo Allah nyiptain manusia di bumi bakal ada pertumpahan darah ? -solved-

- [Sejarah] Kenapa musuh-musuh Belanda di zaman penjajahan kayak Soekarno, Hatta, dll gak langsung dibunuh ? kok cuma diasingkan ? -solved-

- [Agama] Kenapa Allah menciptakan makhluknya ada yang miskin ada yang kaya ? -solved-

- [lain-lain] Kenapa polisi/pihak berwenang gak make metode hipnotis kaya Uya Kuya dalam menginterogasi koruptor ?

Dalam bertanya ada etika, jangan seperti bani israel yg kebanyakan nanya saat disuruh nyari sapi (kisah di Q.S. Al Baqarah). Dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas, sudah sebagian yg saya tahu, nah nanti kalau sobat dapet jawaban, boleh sharing di sini, buat memperkaya khasanah ilmu kita. Dan yang paling penting, pertanyaan yg saya tampilkan di blog ini bukan untuk membuat sobat jadi bimbang dan goyah akan sesuatu, tapi mendorong rasa ingin tahu.


ket: -solved- berarti saya udah tau jawabannya, tapi g saya tampilkan langsung, soalnya gak surprise ntar dan bikin sobat gak jadi nanya.. kalo mau tahu jawabannya, komen aja...

So, prinsipnya NANYALAH ATAU KAU GAK PINTER, hehehehe

Grand Opening of My Blog

I'm lookin around to get this blog name, that match with what I wanted, also eyecatching plus freak as usual. And Thanks God there is one of the proposed by my friends who match in my mind. From '' -which I think really wacky-so I turn into Cool part's … ... because of that's very creative name.

OK enough so much of my speech, please take the materials/ questions to ask to your teacher, professor, cleric, parents, friends, etc.. Because with your ask, other people also know, so learning proccess will change the class atmosphere.

And, the questions on the post this time is:

- [Physics] Is it possible to make POWER GENERATOR from NOISE? How about it work ?

- [Electronics] Are there any tools for transferring data between the USB Flash Disk without requiring a computer ? What materials/parts that needed to make it?

- [Electronics] why MP3 players can track the exact length measurement of the song length, what additional tools inserted?

- [Chemistry] Why MSG continues to be used altough the effect is negative?

- [Religion] How angels can know that if God make creature (man) on earth there will be bloodshed? -Solved-

- [History] Why the Dutch enemy in colonial times like Soekarno, Hatta, etc. not directly killed? why just exiled? -solved-

- [Religion] Why did God create the poor creatures and else are rich? -solved-

- [Etc.] Why did the police / authorities not make Uya Kuya hypnotic methods in interrogating criminals/coruptor ?

In asking there are ethics, do not like most of the israel klan who asked Moses when told to lookin cattle (QS Al Baqarah story). From the questions above, you may be sharing here, create enrich our science. And most importantly, I show leading question in this blog is not to make you so uncertain and wobbly about something, but it just encourages your curiosity.


note: -solved- sign meaning I already know the answer, but I wont show directly to you, because will not surprise again . if you want to know the answer, just comment ..

So, the principle NANYALAH or you wont be PINTER, hehehehe